Purpose of Establishment
"As a central government organization for statistics, the Statistics Korea aims at prompting services of overall planning and coordination of national statistics, establishment of statistical standards, production & distribution of various economic and social statistics, processing & management of statistical information and provision of various statistical data."
May 24, 1999
The Division of Statistical Development in the Bureau of Statistical Planning was
The Division of Service Industry Statistics was newly established within the Bureau
Economic Statistics, and the Division of Trade & Price Statistics was renamed as
Division of Price Statistics. (4 bureaus, 19 divisions, 12 local statistics offices
and 35
sub-local branch offices)
Jan. 01, 1999
The Statistical Training Center was abolished. The Division of Statistical Research
renamed as the Division of Statistical Development and transferred to the Bureau of
Statistical Planning. (4 bureaus, 19 divisions, 12 local statistics offices and 35
branch offices)
Jul. 01, 1998
National Statistical Office
- The Division of Agricultural & Fishery Statistics was newly made inside the Bureau of Social Statistics and 26 branch offices were newly launched.
Feb. 28, 1998
The Bureau of Statistical Survey was divided into 2 Bureaus of Economical Statistics
Social Statistics. The Bureau of Data Management was renamed as the Bureau of
Information, and the Division of Application Development was newly established.
the position of Computing Administrator was abolished. (4 bureaus, 1 training
center, 20
divisions, 12 local statistics offices and 35 sub-local branch offices)
Sep. 24, 1996
The Statistical Examiner was newly made and the Division of Population Statistics
divided into 2 Divisions of Population Census and Vital Statistics. Also, the
Division of
Statistical Research was newly established in the Statistical Training Center. The
of General Affairs and Educational Affairs were integrated into the Division of
Affairs in the Statistical Training Center. (3 bureaus, 1 inquiry commissioner, 1
statistical training center, 18 divisions, 1 administrator, 12 local statistics
offices and
9 sub-local branch offices)
Aug. 12, 1995
National Statistical Office (branch offices in Suncheon, Pohang, Gumi, Jinju and
Feb. 08, 1995
National Statistical Office (Sub-local branch offices in Suncheon, Pohang, Gumi,
Jinju and
Sep. 13, 1991
The NSO1) consisted of 3 bureaus, 14 divisions, 11 local statistics offices and 5
branch offices.
Dec. 27, 1990
The National Bureau of Statistics was enlarged and renamed as the National
Office (NSO1) ). The NSO1) included 3 bureaus, 14 divisions, 11 local statistics
offices and
5 sub-local branch offices.