Survey Name
- Livestock Statistics Survey
Survey Type
- Survey statistics
Type of Statistics
- Designated Statistics (Approval No. 920019)
- To understand the number of households by size of livestock owned and the number of livestock by age and gender which can be used for setting up livestock policies and for related researches
- Quarterly
Target Population
- Administrative data: Korean native cattle, beef cattle, dairy cows
- Complete survey: Households who raise livestock (pig, chicken and duck) by 'Si' and 'Do' as of the
survey reference date
- Chicken: A complete survey on households with over 3,000 chickens regardless of 'Si' and 'Do' in which they live (from 2006)
- Duck: A complete survey on households with over 2,000 duck regardless of 'Si' and 'Do' in which they live (from 2011)
- Sample survey: Out of the sample households, those who raise livestock (pig) as of the survey reference date, or those who have raised livestock for the last three months
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Survey unit: household (farms in case of cattle)
- Target population size
- Complete and sample survey: Approx. 9,000 households
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Survey reference period: Mar., June, Sep. and Dec. 1∼15 (In the case of June: until 18th)
- Reference date: 00 (hour) on Mar., June, Sep. and Dec.
- 1948: The Ministry of the Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries produced statistics with administrative report.
- 1968: The Agriculture and Fisheries Statistics Department produced livestock statistics.
- Feb. 1, 1974: Changed to a sample survey for key livestock (Korean native cattle·beef cattle, dairy cattle, pigs and chicken) and continued a complete survey for the other livestock with revised survey cycles (Survey cycle of cattle: 2 times a year, survey cycle of pigs and chicken: 3 times a year)
- Dec. 17, 1976: Approved as designated statistics No. 11423
- July 1, 1998: The survey work was transferred to the National Agricultural Products Quality Management Service.
- March 1, 2006: Changed into the complete survey which covers households raising 3 thousand chickens or more
- March 1, 2008: Sample revision (3,068 sample EDs)
- March 5, 2008: The survey work was transferred to the Statistics Korea.
- March 1, 2011: Added a new survey on the kinds of ducks (a complete survey on more than 2,000 ducks)
- Sep. 2017: The KOSTAT and the Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation jointly compiled statistics on cattle (Korean native cattle, beef cattle, dairy cows).
Survey Area
- Nationwide
Survey System
- Korean native cattle, beef cattle and dairy cows: Korea Institute for Animal Products Quality Evaluation ↔ Statistics Korea
- Pigs, chickens and ducks: Target households ↔ Regional Offices of Statistics / District Offices of Statistics ↔ Statistics Korea
Data Collection Method
- Administrative data, interviewing survey, non-interviewing survey (telephone, CATI, FAX, E-mail, mail)
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Media (Press releases), KOSTAT website (https://kostat.go.kr), KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) (https://kosis.kr), publication
Publication Frequency
- Quarterly
Publication Title
- Publication title: Livestock Statistics (Quarterly)