Survey Name
Survey Type
Type of Statistics
- Designated statistics (Approval No. 101037)
- To provide basic data required for the establishment of various polices by the
government, establishment of management plans by private enterprises, and research
activities by academies and research institutes, and to use the survey population
for other surveys on establishments
Target Population
- Establishments with one or more employees that are doing business (or did
business) in Korea as of the survey reference date (Dec. 31)
※ Excluding agriculture, forestry and fisheries businesses (by
individual owners), national defense, housekeeping service, international
and foreign organizations according to the Korean Standard Industrial
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Survey unit: establishments
- Target population size: approx. 4.4 million establishments
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Survey reference: Jan. 1 ~ Dec. 31 (for one year)
- Reference period: As of Dec. 31
- Carried out the first Census on Basic Characteristics of
Establishments in 1994
- Changed the survey title to the Census on Establishments
(Nationwide and by 'Si' and 'Do') in 2009.
- Integrated with the Economic Census (the 18th survey) in 2011
- Carried out the 24th survey in 2017
Survey Item
- Name of establishments, name of CEO (including gender and
age), location, date of foundation, business registration
number, type of corporations (including corporate
registration number and, type of establishments), business
areas, the number of employees, annual sales, other items
selected by respective 'Si' and 'Do'
Survey Method
- On-site interview (together with distribution or mail,
Internet survey)
Survey System
- Statistics Korea → 'Si'·'Do' → 'Si'·'Gun'·'Gu' →
enumerators → establishments
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Publication, website, KOSIS (Korean Statistical
Information Service) data loading
Publication Frequency
Publication Title
- Report on the Census on Establishments
너비 1640px 이상
너비 1639px - 1180px
너비 768px - 1179px
너비 767px 이하