Survey Name
- Employment Position Statistics
Survey Type
- Analytic statistics
Type of Statistics
- General Statistics (Approval No. 101074)
- To understand the status of wage and salary employment positions and non-wage employment positions by gender, age and type of enterprise by connecting employees and companies
- To provide basic data needed when making policies for job creation and when job seekers select a job
- Annual
Target Population
- Positions occupied by those who have reported income tax or value added tax or who are covered by the social insurance system while they are engaged in production activities for a year
- (In the meantime, as for 'Real Estate Activities and Renting & Leasing', those paying the value added tax are regarded as employment positions regardless of their production activities only if they have business registration numbers.)
- (except employment positions occupied by unpaid-family-workers)
Survey Unit and Target Population Size
- Wage and salary employment positions and non-wage employment positions
Survey Reference Period and Date
- Survey reference period: annual
- In Sep. 2011, it was reviewed in the interim (2011~2015) Strategy for using administrative data whether to compile Wage and Salary Employment Position Statistics with administrative data.
- Wrote a plan to develop the administrative statistics for Wage and Salary Employment Position Statistics in Oct. 2011
- Approved for the production of the statistics in April 2012 (Approval No. 101174)
- Published Wage and Salary Employment Position Statistics (as of Dec. 31, 2010) in June 2012 (the first production and publication)
- Added items for public and non-public sectors in Dec. 2013
- The survey included (expanded) positions occupied by daily-workers and non-wage employment, and the title changed to “Employment Position Statistics” in 2016.
- In 2018, the survey reference period changed from Dec. of each year to a whole year.
Data Provision
Method of Publication and URL
- Media (Press releases), Statistics Korea webpage (https://kostat.go.kr), KOSIS (Korean Statistical Information Service) (https://kosis.kr)
Publication Frequency
- Annual