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An official website of Statistics Korea to implement the e-government initiative of the Republic of Korea.

Questionnaire Design Research(CQDR)


As it becomes more difficult to conduct surveys, efforts to improve questionnaires and make them more respondent-friendly are required to alleviate the burden on respondents. In addition, there is a growing need to design questionnaires that can be answered through a range of mediums in line with the increasing adoption of smart devices and the development of ICT.

Accordingly, Statistics Korea originally established the Center for Questionnaire Design Research in Korea in 2013 under the Statistics Research Institute with the aim of supporting statistics agencies in designing questionnaires suitable for the nature of their surveys. The Center contributes to improving questionnaires at each stage of survey creation, including designing questionnaires, developing new statistics and changing survey items.

Mission: Improving the quality of national statistics by designing more respondent-friendly questionnaires

  • Evaluating questionnaires in a scientific and systematic way through questionnaire cognitive experiments
  • Designing respondent-friendly questionnaires suitable to a variety of survey modes (internet, mobile, etc.)
  • Identifying survey conditions through evaluation of survey processes and providing support for improving the capabilities of survey conductors

Main functions

  • [Enhancing expertise in questionnaire research through questionnaire design and evaluation research]

    The Center for Questionnaire Design Research conducts basic research on methodologies for evaluating questionnaires by reviewing questionnaire cognitive experiment techniques related to questionnaires and studying ways to apply these techniques. The Center also carries out theoretical studies on methods for designing questionnaires in line with the nature of surveys such as surveys for households and enterprises. Furthermore, we strive to improve our expertise by reviewing the influence and role of survey conductors in different situations and consulting on ways to improve questionnaires.

  • [Responding to the demand for research on questionnaires through efforts to improve and develop official statistics]

    The Center for Questionnaire Design Research evaluates questionnaires of newly developed statistics and major national statistics and conducts studies on improving the questionnaires. In particular, we perform questionnaire usability testing with web and smart devices, and promotes a greater use of administrative data by evaluating administrative questionnaires and making improvements. Through this, we help to make the evaluation of questionnaires more systematic by reviewing the appropriateness of questionnaire design in the process of approving national statistics and evaluating the quality of statistics.

  • [Leading a cooperative network for questionnaire research through sharing and distributing research results]

    The Center for Questionnaire Design Research is responding to the demand for improving questionnaires inquired by external statistical agencies as well as Statistics Korea. The Center consults with them on questionnaires and continues to share its research through training on questionnaire design and evaluation as well as presentation at academic conferences. To this end, we have established a cooperative network through exchanges with researchers at home and abroad. We also plan to build a one-of-a-kind questionnaire platform for sharing and promoting questionnaire evaluation data.


  • 82-42-366-7202
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