Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs)
Statistics Korea promote a host of research and international cooperation projects led by the Statistics Research Institute to implement SDGs in Korea and contribute to the international community. To meet a wide range of statistical demands at home and abroad and strengthen oversight and coordination of domestic SDG indicators, Statistics Korea established the 「Data Center for SDGs」 at the Statistics Research Institute in February 2020 with the aim of serving as a SDGs data hub in Korea and throughout Northeast Asia.
Mission : Serving as a SDG data hub and supporting SDGs-based policy making research
- Strengthening oversight and coordination of Korea’s SDG data
- Promoting a greater use of SDG indicators in policy-crafting by improving quality of the indicators
- Developing into a pivotal SDGs center in Northeast Asia, by extending a greater global cooperation
Main functions
[Establishment of data governance for the SDGs]
As the national focal point of global SDGs indicators, Statistics Korea provides and monitors the Korean data that goes into UN databases. To this end, we run a consultative body consisting of related organizations to manage the data accuracy and update domestic data provided to international organizations. In this process, we help to raise awareness of methods for managing SDG indicators among those in charge by creating and distributing domestic metadata on global SDG indicators. By developing a data platform, we also support domestic and foreign data users to easily access SDGs data in Korea.
[Publication of Korea's SDGs implementation reports and operation of data platforms]
To achieve the SDGs by 2030, the UN recommends that the implementation of SDGs be regularly reviewed at a national level. Thus, the Statistics Research Institute publishes progress reports on Korea’s implementation of the SDGs based on the global indicators. The analysis results based on specific data can be used as an important milestone in the establishment of sustainable development policies and will contribute to the implementation of SDGs in the entire global society. The data used to evaluate the progress of Korea's SDG implementation is available at our data platforms. Progress reports and platforms are provided in both Korean and English, allowing an easy access for domestic and foreign users.
[Promotion of research projects for SDGs indicator improvement and development]
Approximately 50% of the Korean data is currently available for global SDG indicators. it is difficult at times to segment SDG data according to gender, age, disability, and migrant status. Accordingly, innovative methodological improvement is required to move beyond traditional survey methods and increase the availability of SDG data. Accordingly, the Statistics Research Institute conducts research on producing indicators through the use of big data, linkage of multi-source data, and improvement of estimation methods.
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